Smart-dr & Tru-dr

Sound technologies

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User experience for on-the-go wireless veterinary imaging

The workflow of the SmartDR was designed to get technicians up and running as soon as they arrive on scene as well as back in the office, across platforms from tablets to laptops and desktop computers.  Reducing the number of steps between initializing the device and capturing the x-ray had to be intuitive and direct for field work as well as feature rich and capable when necessary.   User research resulted in a hybrid terminal and wizard architecture that brings focused information to the user in the least number of steps and screens a possible without an overwhelming amount of dense data and visuals. This allows technicians to focus on the subject without giving a second thought to operating the equipment. 

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SCALE-ABILITY and sub-branding

The SmartDR software was designed to be used in a number of different settings and embedded into multiple Sound Technologies products, from mobile NEXT EquineDR to the in-office SmartDR.   Creating a scalable architecture as well as making sure that micro-interactions remain consistent across products ensures that radiologists are greeted with the same innovative workflow and pleasant user experience on all Sound Technologies products.